Awesome Dre & Vette: Intro to Hip Hop Lyric Writing


“Sense-bound” language is a critical element in almost all creative writing and most definitely songwriting. Writing “sense-bound” teaches us how to braid our intangible inner emotional realms, with the much more tangible, highly detailed observational “outer” world.  In this 2-hour session join songwriter and lyric writing educator, Jonelle Vette, and hip hop artist Awesome Dre as we engage in writing exercises, discuss questions, and look at examples from writing exercises and song lyrics.
What you should take away from this class

• an understanding of the difference between “sense-bound” and “non sense-bound” language
• the ability to start applying this technique to your future songwriting
• at least one helpful daily writing exercise for honing, developing and improving this skill over time
• “improved ears” for listening to and learning from lyrics in other peoples’ songs

Testimonials from Previous Participants

“Jonelle’s songwriting workshops gave us an exclusive tour behind the craft of lyric writing. She invited us to observe some of the structure behind a song, and how to keep the listener’s attention from beginning to end. After every session, we walked away with at least one clear tool to work with … If Jonelle’s ship happens to pass your shores … try to get on board!”  B. Heens – songwriter, producer, designer, teacher & participant in “Exploring Lyrics” (a 3 part, 9-hour workshop)

“Very good workshop! It has provided new ways to think about and write lyrics.” – T. Edholm, Songwriter & Professional Musician and participants in “Exploring Lyrics” (a 3-part, 9-hour workshop)

“Thanks for the invigorating workshop, everyone. I really enjoyed it. It was nice to feel there was space to delve into any aspect of the topic that interested us and to then get knowledgable answers to all those questions. Nice group of people, too. :-)” – G. Arnold, Screenwriter & participant in “Productive Repetition”


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